Venue: Council Chamber - Woodhill House, Westburn Road, Aberdeen, AB16 5GB. View directions
Contact: Kasia Balina
No. | Item |
Sederunt and Declaration of Members' Interests Minutes: The Chair asked Members if they had any interests to declare, in terms of the Councillors’ Code of Conduct.
Councillor Joji made a transparency statement in respect of Item 7 by virtue of being a Board Member of the Grampian Regional Equality Council. Having applied the objective test she had concluded that she had no interest to declare.
Public Sector Equality Duty Consider, and if so desired, adopt the following resolution:-
(1) to have due regard to the need to:-
(a) eliminate discrimination, harassment and victimisation; (b) advance equality of opportunity between those who share a protected characteristic and persons who do not share it; and (c) foster good relations between those who share a protected characteristic and persons who do not share it.
(2) where an Integrated Impact Assessment is provided, to consider its contents and take those into account when reaching a decision. Minutes: In taking decisions on the undernoted items of business, the Committee agreed, in terms of Section 149 of the Equality Act 2010:-
(1) To have due regard to the need to:-
(a) eliminate discrimination, harassment and victimisation;
(b) advance equality and opportunity between those who share a protected characteristic and persons who do not share it; and
(c) foster good relations between those who share a protected characteristic and persons who do not share it, and
(2) to consider, where an Integrated Impact Assessment has been provided, its contents and to take those into consideration when reaching a decision.
Exempt Information Consider, and if so decided, adopt the following resolution:- “That under Section 50A (4) and (5) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973, as amended, the public and media representatives be excluded from the meeting for Items 11 and 12 of business below, on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information of the class described in the relevant paragraphs of Part 1 of Schedule 7A of the Act.” Minutes: The Committee agreed, in terms of Section 50A (4) and (5) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973, to exclude the public from the meeting during consideration of the items specified below so as to avoid disclosure of exempt information of the classes described in the undernoted paragraphs of Part 1 of Schedule 7A of the Act.
Item No Paragraph No of Schedule 7A 11 8 12 8&10
Minute of Meeting of Communities Committee of 8 February 2024 Minutes: There had been circulated and was approved as a correct record the Minute of the Meeting of 8 February 2024.
Statement of Outstanding Business Minutes: There was circulated a report by the Director of Business Services which updated Members on the progress made against outstanding actions agreed at previous meetings of the Communities Committee.
The Director of Environment and Infrastructure Services provided updates on each of the 4 outstanding actions and confirmed that (1) Items 2 and 4 were complete and, if agreed, could be removed from the list, and (2) the rest of the items were still on target and would remain on the list.
Thereafter, the Committee agreed:-
(1) to note the current position in respect of actions arising from previous meetings;
(2) that those actions which had been completed should be removed from the outstanding actions list; and
(3) to instruct officers to invite to the workshop (Item 3) the Tenants Representatives.
Financial Performance Report as at 31 January 2024 Presented By / report author: Rebecca Meiklejohn Additional documents:
Minutes: There was circulated a report by the Director of Environment and Infrastructure Services which provided an update on the forecast financial performance pertaining to the services which fell under the remit of Communities Committee for the financial year 2023/24 as at 31 January 2024.
The Director of Environment and Infrastructure presented the report which highlighted that the Communities Committee had responsibility for monitoring, reviewing and scrutinising of the Council’s policy and making decisions on matters relating to the functions which fell under their remit. The report set out the financial information for these services to enable this process.
Members made comments on the descriptions in the tackling poverty drawdown; practicalities and the deliverability of the plan; income targets, budgetary pressures and challenges; development of alternative model of sheltered housing support with Registered Social Landlords; the Arts Development being under budget; and how well reserves were being used and managed to deal with ongoing issues and whether that was an ongoing piece of work amongst offices.
Following consideration of the report, Members agreed to:-
(1) note the Revenue and Capital Budgets pertaining to the Communities Committee for 2023/24, as set out in Appendix A;
(2) note the progress of Budget Savings associated with these budgets;
(3) note the Earmarked Reserves associated with this Committee and their use;
(4) the proposed revenue budget virements, as detailed in Appendix B to the report, and to note those virements approved by the relevant Director and Head of Finance;
(5) recommend the drawdown of reserves to Full Council, as detailed in Appendix B; and
(6) instruct officers to circulate to Members clarification on the description in the tackling poverty drawdown.
Actions / services: Finance |
Presented By / report author: Andy Wright Additional documents: Minutes: There was circulated a report dated 4 March 2024 by the Director of Business Services which advised Members how the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service performed against key performance measures and associated targets, as set out in the Aberdeenshire Fire and Rescue Plan 2021-24 approved at the meeting of the Communities Committee on 18 February 2021.
The Police and Fire (Reform) Scotland Act 2012 placed a duty on the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS) to prepare a local fire and rescue plan for the local authority area. The report provided an overview of the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service’s performance in the Aberdeenshire area for the period 1 April 2021 – 31 March 2024 and the opportunity for Members to maintain scrutiny of significant fire and rescue activities to achieve good outcomes for the residents of Aberdeenshire.
Area Commander of the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS) presented a report and responded to Members’ questions and comments in relation to the extension of the current fire and rescue plan into 2024/25 and continuing the six priorities with minor changes; the SFRS’ s performance against the key performance measures and targets set out in the Aberdeenshire Fire and Rescue Plan; community risk and resilience; road safety hotspots and home fire safety visits; road safety demands reduction plan and support provided to community groups in terms of community resilience in cooperation with officers.
The Community agreed to:-
(1) to acknowledge the attached report relating to performance from 1April 2021 – 31 March 2024 for the Aberdeenshire area of the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service; and
(2) the proposed priorities for the next iteration of the Aberdeenshire Fire and Rescue Plan.
Actions / services: Local Senior Officer, Scottish Fire and Rescue Service |
Tackling Poverty and Inequalities - Annual Progress Report Presented By / report author: Annette Johnston Additional documents:
Minutes: There was circulated a report dated 14 March 2024 by the Director of Business Services which updated the Committee on progress made covering the work of the Tackling Poverty and Inequalities Strategic Partnership Group, including the proposed budget allocation for 2024/25 and an indicative budget for 2025/26.
The report explained that the Tackling Poverty and Inequalities Strategic Partnership was set up by the Community Planning Partnership to coordinate strategic development across partners. On 5 September 2019, the Communities Committee approved the Aberdeenshire Information and Advice Delivery Framework, which was funded and supported by the Tackling Poverty and Inequalities Strategic Partnership. When approving the Framework, the Communities Committee agreed that Area Committees would be informed on progress in relation to the delivery of the Framework as part of the Tackling Poverty and Inequalities Annual Report.
The report further explained that as part of the commitment from Aberdeenshire Council to reduce poverty and inequalities a reserve of £3.5 million had been secured to support this agenda. Although the funding was non-recurring as a reserve it was not time limited. A framework for investment was agreed by Communities Committee on 14 October 2021. A summary of the progress to date, including spend and the proposed budget allocation for 2024/25 was presented in Appendix 2 and the proposed budget allocation for 2024/25 in Appendix 3.
Members made comments regarding the childcare development and Aberdeenshire distribution map which identified the spread and location of childminders; the work of the Aberdeenshire Youth Rights Committee; sensitive data not being available within Integrated Impact Assessment; capacity building on a community local level; a budget utilisation and allocation; the different aspects of society living in poverty and how the council was able to target individual community groups; and the Fair Food Aberdeenshire.
The Committee agreed:-
(1) to acknowledge and support the progress made in tackling this agenda;
(2) the proposed budget allocation for 2024 / 2025 and the indicative budget for 2025/2026;
(3) to delegate approval of the allocation of the remainder of the budget to Buchan Area Manager, as Chair of the Tackling Poverty & Inequalities Strategic Partnership in line with the strategic investment framework agreed by the Committee on 14 October 2021;
(4) to receive feedback from Area Committees in relation to the future of the Information and Advice Framework and the Tackling Poverty & Inequalities annual reports at a future Committee Meeting; and
(05) to instruct officers to change the wording for data collection in regard to sensitive information.
Actions / services: Area Managers |
Live Life Aberdeenshire Business Plan 2023-2028 Presented By / report author: John Cornfield Additional documents: Minutes: With reference to the Minute of Meeting of Committee of 16 February 2023 (Item 14), when the adoption of the Live Life Aberdeenshire (LLA) Business Plan 2023 to 2028 had been approved, there was circulated a report dated 1 March 2024 by the Director of Education and Children’s Services which presented the LLA Business Plan containing existing, new and updated content and the delivery plan agreed in February 2023.
The Head of Communities Wellbeing and Partnership presented a report and responded to Members’ comments and questions in relation to the Performance Indicators 2023-28; increasing levels of young people inreceipt of free school meals and clothing grants; Active Schools programmes maintaining and growing participation; improved booking management; and a delay to the submission of the planning application for Macduff Aquarium and its impact on the budget.
The Committee agreed to:
(1) note the reformatted Live Life Aberdeenshire Business Plan; and
(2) receive an annual performance and self-evaluation report concerning Live Life Aberdeenshire service delivery 23/24 at the Communities Committee in June 2024.
Actions / services: Communities Wellbeing & Partnership |
Housing Finance and Performance Linked Report Q3 2023-24 Presented By / report author: Neil Watts, Elaine Lothian & Fiona Massie Additional documents:
Minutes: There was circulated a report dated 1 March 2024 by the Director of Environment and Infrastructure Services which detailed information on the Housing and Building Standards Service’s performance in terms of finance and key performance indicators of service delivery.
The report was presented to support the Committee in their role of scrutinising performance related to the Housing Service, both in terms of performance by the service related to the Council Priorities and in terms of financial information regarding income and expenditure for the Housing Revenue Account. The format combined information about financial and service performance into a single document to provide greater clarity and demonstrate the links between financial and service performance.
At this point of the meeting, the Committee agreed to suspend Standing Order 2.1.2, in order to allow the meeting to continue beyond 1.00 pm.
The Head of Housing and Building Standards responded to Members’ comments and questions in relation to the improvement and repair grants; adaptations made in tenants’ homes; homelessness and empty properties; transition of the shouldered housing model and engagement with the private sector and tenants; and a risk of potential breach of legislation caused by proposed changes in terms of reviewing hostels and temporary accommodation.
Following discussion, the Committee agreed to:-
(1) acknowledge the performance and financial information provided;
(2) instruct the Directors of Environment and Infrastructure Services and Business Services to continue to report Housing Performance and Financial information to Committee on a regular basis; and
(3) instruct officers to share with Members the Scottish Government legislation relating to the Unsuitable Accommodation Order and Rapid Rehousing Transition Plan.
Actions / services: Housing & Building Standards, Support Services and Finance |
Head of Service Business Plan - Housing & Building Standards Presented By / report author: Anna Thomson Additional documents: Minutes: There was circulated a report dated 2 March 2024 by the Director of Environment and Infrastructure Services presenting the Heads of Service Business Plan for Housing & Building Standards Services which detailed the direction each of the Services would take in support of the Strategic Priorities set out in the Council Plan 2022-27.
The report explained that following approval of the Council Plan 2022 to 2027, the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) agreed that Directorate Plans would be discontinued, and Head of Service Business Plans would be developed to set out the scope and standard of work the Service would deliver along with clear work programmes which will achieve improvements against performance measures.
The Head of Housing and Building Standards presented a report and confirmed that the Service currently managed and maintained 13,240 homes for households including single people, couples, families, older people and those with particular needs. It also continued to develop affordable housing with 152 new council homes anticipated for completion in 2024/25.
Members made comments on the Rapid Rehousing Transition Plan; resources around housing revenue accounts; the work of a team responsible for incidents of dampness, condensation and mould; the restructure of tenancy services; and recruitment issues and recruitment retention.
The Committee agreed:-
(1) to endorse the Head of Service Business Plan detailed in Appendix 1 to the report;
(2) the performance measures detailed in each Business Plan; and
(3) to instruct the Director of Environment & Infrastructure Services to present Business Plan performance reports to the Committee on a six-monthly basis, in line with the Performance Management Framework, evidencing progress and performance in support of the Council Plan 2022-27 commencing from Quarter 1 2024/25.
Actions / services: Support Services |
Communities Wellbeing and Partnership Annual Procurement Workplan Presented By / report author: Allan Rae Minutes: There was circulated a report dated 15 March 2024 by the Director of Education and Children’s Services which set out the Communities Wellbeing and Partnership (CWP) annual procurement plan of anticipated procurements that were £50,000 and over for the year ahead, specifying estimated costs for each item.
After discussion, the Committee agreed:-
(1) to note the CWP Plan as detailed in Appendix 1 to the report;
(2) to approve items 4-9 on the Procurement Plan identified as falling within the remit of the Committee;
(3) with regard to items 1-3 on the Workplan, as these were still subject to the identification of the budget, that they were not agreed during the meeting of the Committee on 28 March 2024 but delegated to the Head of Communities Wellbeing & Partnership for further consideration in consultation with the Chair, Vice-Chair, Opposition and Head of Finance;
(4) to not reserve approval of the Procurement Approval Form for any item on the Procurement Plan where the value of the matter is between £50,000 and £1,000,000; and
(5) to note that the Committee would receive the Procurement Approval Form for approval for any item on the Procurement Plan which is within the Committee’s remit and the value of the matter is over £1,000,000.
Actions / services: Communities Wellbeing & Partnership |
Housing Improvement Programme (HIP) 2017-2021/22 Presented By / report author: Pearl Strachan and Dave Thomson Minutes: There was circulated a report dated 11 March 2024 by the Director of Business Services and the Director of Environment and Infrastructure Services which provided an update on the progress of the delivery of the Housing Improvement Programme, taking into consideration factors impacting the programme.
The Committee agreed to:-
(1) acknowledge the current position with regards to progress on the delivery of the Housing Improvement Programme (HIP) Year 4; and
(2) note the actual spend profiles for the Financial Years up to and including 2022/2023, and the forecast spend profiles for 2023/2024 and 2024/2025 for the Housing Improvement Programme (HIP).
Actions / services: Property & Facilities and Housing & Building Standards |