Meeting documents

Marr Area Committee
Tuesday, 5th May, 2015


Meeting Minutes


2015 05 05 Final Minutes.pdf



Microsoft Word

Agenda Items


1 - Sederunt and Declaration of Members’ Interests


2a - Statement on Equalities

Consider, and if so decided, adopt:- “In line with the Council’s legal duty under section 149 of the Equality Act 2010 the Committee, in making decisions on the attached reports, shall have due regard to the need to”:-


(i)         eliminate discrimination, harassment and victimisation;

(ii)        advance equality of opportunity between those who share a protected characteristic and persons who do not share it; and

(iii)       foster good relations between those who share a protected characteristic and persons who do not share it.

Document Type (2) EIA Page.pdf


2b - Resolution

Consider, and if so decided, adopt the following resolution:- That under Section 50A (4) and (5) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973, as amended, the public and media representatives be excluded from the Meeting for Item 12 of the business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information of the class described in the relevant Paragraph 9 of Part 1 of Schedule 7A of the Act.


3 - Minute of Meeting of Marr Area Committee of 31 March, 2015

Document Type (3) 2015 03 31 Final Minutes.pdf




4 - Proposed Extension to Fairground Hours - Aboyne Highland Games

Document Type (4) Proposed Extension to Fairground Hours - Aboyne Highland Games.pdf




5 - Education & Children’s Services Q3 Performance Monitoring

Document Type (5) M - ECS Q3 2014-15 Indicators Exception Report.pdf




6 - Infrastructure Services Q3 Performance Monitoring

Document Type (6) Infrastructure Services Q3 Performance Monitoring.pdf


7 - Scottish Government Appeal Decision - Cornabo, Monymusk

Document Type (7) Scottish Government Appeal Decision - Cornabo, Monymusk.pdf


8 - Huntly Flood Protection Scheme - Reporter’s recommendation

Document Type (8) Huntly Flood Protection Scheme - combined.pdf


9 - Aboyne Academy Toilet Upgrade - Contract 17909

Document Type (9) Aboyne Academy Toilet Upgrade - Contract 17909 Report + EIA.pdf




10 - Area Committee Budget application

Document Type (10) Area Committee budget - Mid Deeside.pdf





11A - Planning Permission in Principle for Mixed Use Development (Comprising of 390 Dwellinghouses and Commercial and Business Development) at Land to North of Hill Of Banchory, Upper Lochton, Banchory


Planning document - APP/2014/1973

Document Type (11A) APP-2014-1973 - Land to North of Hill of Banchory, Upper Lochton, Banchory.pdf


11B - Planning Permission in Principle for Residential Development of 400 No. Dwellinghouses (Including 300 Private Rented, 75 Affordable and 25 Assisted Living Units), Health Centre, Employment Uses, Formation of Deeside Way Hub, Extension to Deeside Way, Realignment and Improvement to the B974, Cycle Paths, Landscaping, Open Space and Ancillary Works at Land at Braehead, Auchattie, Banchory


Planning document - APP/2015/0225

Document Type (11B) APP-2015-0225 - Land at Braehead Auchattie Banchory - combined.pdf


11C - Full Planning Permission for Erection of Dwellinghouse (Amendment to Previously Approved APP/2010/3543) at Plot 2, 1 Aboyne Grange, Old Town Road, Aboyne

Planning document - APP/2015/0416

Document Type (11C) APP-2015-0416 - Plot 2, 1 Aboyne Grange, Old Town Road, Aboyne.pdf




(EXEMPT) 12 - Former Outdoor Centre, Ballater - Proposed Actions

Paragraph 9 - Terms of Acquisition or Disposal - Terms for a contract for acquisition or disposal of property or supply of goods or services